Here’s the thing about a sense of humor. In families, it trickles down right from the top.
Throughout my life, I’ve heard the question once or twice…”omg, Rachel…how did you get so funny!?”
Well, I’m a firm believer that the reason everyone in my family has a twisted sense of humor is because of this lady, who is perched at the very top of our family tree. She’s 96-years-old and there’s hardly anything you can say that will shock her. She’s the most tame out of all of us for sure, but inside her, lurking, is that funny bone that perks its head out all the time. She has three daughters, seven grandchildren and SIXTEEN great grandchildren.
You will not find a better sport who is more loved and doesn’t flinch at a filthy joke…even when someone at my baby shower a couple years ago handed her this book. Pretty sure she read it from cover-to-cover right then and there laughing the whole time.
My family is loud, crosses boundaries regularly, busts each other’s balls and loves to laugh. And eat. We love to fucking eat. So thanks to this woman for setting the tone for all of us. She truly is grandma goals. I want to be just like her when I grow up, because if you’re not breeding a family filled with laughter, you’re doing it wrong.