To all the ladies who hit happy hour followed by a night out tonight, I see you. I was just like you once. I didn’t worry about staying out too late & racking up a huge tab with the sitter. There were no little fingers prying my eyelids open at 6am the next day. I blew out my hair, put on my makeup leisurely and wore heels. It was fun and I didn’t care how exhausted I was the next day.
I’m not one of you anymore. I spent my Friday with a feisty toddler. We played outside, ran through sprinklers, went on the swings and I literally hosed her down after she took down a giant cupcake and was covered in icing from head to toe. I gave her the iPad for a couple hours straight just so I could meet some writing deadlines. After we played some more she finally took a nap as I laid next to her on the couch. I didn’t want to move & couldn’t if I tried. Exhausted beyond belief as I am every Friday when the craziness from the week with two kids comes to a close and my body feels it. I’m sticky and sweaty and dying of thirst but can’t get up because she’s using her leg to keep me on lockdown. I didn’t even know I had mascara on until I saw it smudged under my eyes, and I can’t tell you when I put it on or if it was even today.
This is my happy hour now.
The one where I can sit still for maybe 30 minutes and do absolutely nothing while my child sleeps. And let me tell you something. It’s fucking fantastic. I’m not doing my hair or makeup. I’m not putting on heels. Instead I’ll have a tiny guest in the shower, change into another version of what I’m wearing now, put the baby to bed and fall into a tired heap of momness on the couch. I’ll binge mindless reality television, which is currently fighting for space on my DVR with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I’ll definitely fall asleep mid-show. And then, I’ll wake up tomorrow and do the same thing all over again. Same with the day after that….
It’s not the same as your happy hour and I know this may seem hard to believe, but it’s kind of better.
Cheers to everyone and their own versions of happy hour tonight ????