And by we I mean the blog. But I am seriously considering a little touch of botox in the near future (I already hear my mother yelling at me).
Please check out the new look and let me know what you think and what other features YOU’D like to see.
There’s a brand new section with some professional pics to spice up the site and make it a little more legit brand-ish.
Annnnd, there’s a little page with a form you can use to contact me if there’s something YOU want me to write about and even if you have an idea for a guest post (it has to be hilarious though and I reserve the right to decline any and all ideas).
You guys have been so awesome and have made this such a fun journey. I could never have expected this reception from just ranting about my life. But I want more. So PLEASE share the blog. When we hit 500 likes I might force SLS to write a guest post (which I may or may not heavily edit).
Thank you all!!!
Rachel aka The Big Cheez