Posted @withrepost • Netflix Family “There’s so much mom shaming and judgment. I wanted to create a safe space where real moms could commiserate and laugh — laughter is crucial to motherhood.”
This week’s #NetflixFamilyPick comes from Rachel Sobel of @whineandcheezits. Rachel is a writer as well as a mom to Ava (10) and Sienna (2.5) and wife to Jason.
“I married my college boyfriend in my late 20’s, had my first child, and divorced with a toddler on my hip. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to date again. But, when I met my second husband, it felt like we had known each other forever. Together we had another baby girl and created the perfect blended family.
“The hardest thing for me as a mother is when my older one is with her dad. I feel like my family is incomplete and I’m suffocated by mom guilt. I worry that she’ll be resentful that she has to split time between two homes. In reality, she’s completely adjusted and fine and it’s my own neuroses, but it still eats away at me.
“Because of that, we started a tradition called ‘Living Room Movie Theater.’ We set up the couch with comfy blankets and pillows, get into our pajamas, and eat popcorn with M&M’s. It’s something we both found comfort in when we ventured into a new life of her bouncing between two homes.
“Together, we watch shows like Fuller House. It’s great because it spurs a lot of questions about things like marriage, dating, pregnancy, and more. It’s such a great way to organically open the door to more adult topics and has been a driver to so many important discussions. The fact that I watched the original version growing up is pretty cool too, since DJ Tanner has now made things come full circle for us.”
????: Defalco Design, Heather Holt Photo, @whineandcheezits