“If you’re wondering where I am, I’ll be lounging in my caftan having my cake and eating it too”
That’s what the sign says behind me and it’s the energy I’m all about. New mantra.
Also, I appreciate all of you so much. The comments on my down in the dumps post, the messages, the love was overwhelming and I felt it.
I’m gonna do my best to eat my cake and protect my peace. I’m going to remember that there’s not a soul on this planet who can ruin the incredible life and family I have created. I’m going to remember that I can only control my actions and can’t do anything about the gross behavior of others. I’m going to be a fierce warrior (with occasional crappy days). I’m going to remind myself that I am strong, resilient and unfuckablewith. So are all of you!
Love you all like crazy and feel humbled by your support and let’s bring on my cake era. 
