This household is pretty much operating like a society with no government. (It’s me I used to be the government).
My kids eat whatever they want for breakfast, and by whatever they want, I mean cupcakes.
My toddler only wants to get dressed by herself and puts everything on backwards. I offer to help her fix it but she swats me out of the way because she likes it the way she likes it.
I find bottom halves of t-shirts cut off and discarded in the trash as my tween converts her shirts to crop tops.
There’s no clear bedtime.
I don’t rush around making beds anymore like I used to.
My toddler gave me the finger this week when I asked her to eat some strawberries and her big sister taught her how to twerk on the wall, so that’s been a fun development.
And yesterday, when my kids were both losing their ever loving minds over who even knows what, I diffused the situation by yelling, “WHO WANTS TO JUMP IN THE POOL WITH ALL YOUR CLOTHES ON!??”
They ran for the door like little Tasmanian devils and ALL OF US jumped in fully clothed and it was AWESOME. Because sometimes you just have to say fuck it.
I may not always be the fun mom but I crushed that moment and I know my kids will remember it. And even though everyone dumped their sopping wet clothes in the middle of my freshly washed floors, it was a moment we all needed right now.
Simple but necessary.
So, go jump in the pool with your clothes on , or whatever else floats your boat, and make your kids’ day! I promise it will make yours too.